Mods By Mail

If you have effects pedals, old keyboards/synths, kid’s toys, stuffed animals with talkboxes, etc that you would like modified this is the place. Contact me here and we can open a dialogue about the what, where, when and how much factors of modifying and returning your particular item.


Want something Custom Made? LET'S TALK ABOUT IT!

So here’s the deal, folks. If you’ve got old keyboards/synths, effects pedals, kid’s toys, stuffed animals or greeting cards with talkboxes, etc., I can transform them into something “new and improved” or at least more interesting. From pitch movement, self oscillation, distortion, feedback, glitching, delay and so forth. What can be modified largely depends on the particular item in question and how much is willing to be put into it. Example: If a keyboard of some kind has circuitry that is open to multiple modifications then the amount of added modifications will be up to the client as the cost of the service will vary depending on time and hardware. It could be $50 or $850. This will be determined through individual dialogues via email and physically facilitated through the postal system. Of course if you are local there is always drop off/pick up available. Some items may need to be (or desired to be) rehoused in other enclosures to be able to fit the new components and often to retain fluid play-ability. Or to just be more awesome. Each of these new housings and/or “break out boxes” are usually one of a kind. The nature of detail and sexiness desired from these re-housed units is also determined through individual correspondence with the client. Please see photos of modified gear from the past and feel free to contact me via the link at the bottom of this page if you have any questions. I’m open to anything within my wheelhouse. Let’s talk.